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Words » Sentences » Paragraphs

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Imagine that the essay you are going to write is a huge building. The floors of this building are paragraphs; the walls of each floor are sentences; the bricks, of which the walls are maid, are the words. The mortar between bricks are conjunctions. Therefore, you should organize your essay thoroughly, raising up your building.


When you write, ask yourself, "is this particular word the most appropriate for this thing I am writing about? Or can it be substituted by another word?" Also, remember to be as spesific as you can. In lieu of writing, "John is a good person," provide more informatyion about how good john is. Rephrase the sentence into something like, "John is a loving, reliable, and incredibly responsible father and husband."
Avoid contractions such as can't, don't, etc.


Beware of fragments, run-ons, questions, and addressing the reader. The sentences of your essay should be neither too long, nor too short. Do not maintain the same length of sentences throughout the essay. You would want to compose a short sentence, then a long one, then of average length, and so forth. However, avoid too long complex sentences, since they may confuse the reader. Just make your essay flow smoothly, and try to make it easy to read.
Unless your assignment is specific and requires this, do not address the reader. Also, avoid asking questions. However, sometimes they are acceptable, "... and I unexpectedly conceived a baby. Do I make an abortion secretly?" Anytime you ask questions, make sure they do not address the reader and express thoughts of the character.


Connect your sentences with one another to make them a single paragraph and not separate fragments of your essay. Put "however," "thus," and other linking words and phrases where necessary and your paragraph will maintain a logical pattern. Cover one idea per paragraph, and when the next one approaches, begin a new paragraph.

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