Choose Your Topic
Usually, you decide on your own topic if no specific one has been assigned. However, if the topic has been assigned, this does not mean you can move further.
If Topic Has been Assigned..
.. then you should ask yourself (or your professor) whether it must be a general essay, or a research on a very narrow topic. If the essay should be on a specific topic, than obviously topic "Abortion" would not be enough; this one is very general. To make it narrower, you should ponder on such topic as "Ethical problems of abortion in the United States." The topic "Sri Lanka: The cost of the damage caused by severe tsunami in December 2004" is very specific. If you want to broaden it, turn it into something like "Tsunami: the devastating power of water."
If Topic Has Not Been Assigned..
.. then you are free to write on any topic you like, however it may not be as simple as it looks to be. Remember that in order to write a better quality essay, you would want to write about something you like, or something you are closely familiar with. If you are fond of cars, then write about cars; if you are interested in football, then write about football. It is that simple.
You should decide whether it is going to be a persuasive essay, informative, or other kind of essay. If it is an informative one, then just provide the facts one by one in a logical and understandable form. If you intend to persuade your audience, you will have to back your facts with reasons, consequences, and statistical data (if applicable). Then gather your facts, and scetch a simple outline. You are then ready to proceed!
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